Hoarding/Cluttering Support Group

HCSG Rules / Guidelines

HCSG Support Group

To ensure the best possible experience for all group members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation. Our expectation is that you will respect the guidelines and your fellow group members. And don't forget that you agreed to follow the rules when you joined the group!
1.      Contact an Admin When In Doubt – If you’re concerned about something that’s happening in the group or if you’re triggered, let an Admin know. Do not challenge or attack other members.

2.      Be Supportive and Nice to Each Other – Don’t challenge other members. Try not to personalize posts/comments. Keep it positive.

3.      Buying, Selling or Trading is Not Allowed – Hinting that you want stuff is also not allowed.

4.      Don’t Post About Products or Services – Don’t post commercial comments unless you clear it with an Admin first.

Don’t Post About Politics or Religion – It’s divisive and not on-topic.

Watch Your Language – No cursing and no “unkind” language!

Don’t Block an Admin – Not cool. You will be removed from group.

Stay on Topic for the Group – The Café is provided for off-topic discussions.
    Link to CAFE:  https://www.facebook.com/events/505175522925802/  

    And we have a new Group called The Chatterbox - that was also created for basically the same purpose as the Cafe.
    Link to The Chatterbox: https://www.facebook.com/groups/150396519018548/

Don't Use Product Brand or Store Names – Some members are dealing with shopping addictions, and brand names can be highly triggering for them. 

Respect Privacy of Other Members – Please don’t share things from this group.

11. Live Videos Are Not Permitted in This Group 
Limit pre-recorded videos to one minute or less.

These are our most important rules - and if you thoughtfully adhere to these, you will be doing great.
But we do get a bit picky with some of the details of these requirements. They are, as you will see - mostly backups to the eleven rules, above - and the purpose of these rules and guidelines is to ensure that all members have a positive experience. The details are listed in this document:

Please know that we're not just creating rules for the sake of rules - and we're not trying to be "mean". We're trying to make our group pages specific to hoarding and clutter - and to keep the group safe for all impacted by hoarding and clutter. We want new members to be able to find the help they need by providing tools, education and information - in addition to support. If we have to remind you of a rule, please know that we're not trying to "shame" you or say that you've done anything "bad". You have no idea how much we care about each and every one of you!!

We also have a photo album of memes that give more information and detail about our Group Rules and Guidelines, here:

And another photo album of memes that explain some of what and why we do things in the group. We call them our PSAs (Public Service Announcements). Please check them out when you get a chance, here:

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